2 min readMay 25, 2021


Clue Factory

Voyage runs on the Fantom blockchain.

This article will walk you through how clues on the treasure hunt protocol will be generated on our dApp.

If you’re not familiar with Voyage please check out this article.

The clue factory is run on a smart contract and A.I algorithms generate clues for users (Voyagers) to then go hunt down the treasure (VOY) and NFTs. Below are some examples generated from the clue factory:

Word Jumble

This clue is a place with the letters jumbled up. The treasure is located in MEXICO

Missing Letters

The treasure is located in MOMBASA, KENYA

Once a Voyager has located the treasure and clicked the place name on map our smart contracts will confirm and issue VOY coins or NFTs to the Voyagers wallet.

Other examples from the clue factory:


Using important data from various place, the A.I algorithm is able to write riddles.

The clue factory will never deploy the same clues, insuring each clue is unique.

Word search

KATHMANDU would be the location where the booty of VOY coins are located.

We will be adding more ways in which the clue factory can deploy clues such as crosswords, odd one out and picture clues.

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Treasure hunting platform built on the Fantom blockchain. Find coins, NFTs and more.